Advantages of Construction Management


Construction management takes the hassle away from the client by managing the entire process and being involved from the design stage all the way through to completion.

Founded can be involved from stage 1 through to the end of a project but usually our services are called upon after planning permission has been granted and it is from here where the advantages of our Construction Management model ensures the design is not compromised.


At the heart of Founded is the selection of the right sub-contractors to carry out the work with the necessary expertise to complete the design for manufacture, installation and construction.  Testing the market for all options to find the most cost-effective method of construction gives the client the flexibility to explore different ways to move the project forward.

We source the best sub-contractors and consultants who are the best fit for the project and carry out rigorous vetting procedures to ensure the trustworthiness of the sub-contractor and quality of workmanship.

The sub-contractor resource, expertise and talent pool is marshalled by Founded Studio and within our team will be Professional Team leaders to manage and direct all of these inputs for a successful output.

We have, over the years, developed a directory of sub-contractors and suppliers that we are happy to recommend and we will continue to add new companies as we source them.

From the outset, whether it is at the very start of the project through to the production of the design information which has to be accurate, co-ordinated, buildable and in line with the budget and this is a mission critical activity and the backbone of Founded Studio.

Founded Services

Enhanced CM services

What is CM